1.Self reflective writing on their medical student carrier

Self reflective writing on their medical student carrier

I am Kasarabadha Sampath ,Intern from 2k18 batch.

In Psychiatry Posting I have seen many interesting cases like Dissociative disorders, Psychosis,Depression.

One such interesting case is Dissociative disorder case where patient make animals sounds like dog,cat,goat,buffalo during episode.I was a bit scared initially when he was having an  episode,I thought to give Inj Lorazepam IV during his episode later gave it and it made him calm, I learned about Breathing techniques and relaxation techniques which helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

I also visited  deaddiction centre where patients are taught about consequences of taking alcohol by giving video lectures and after all that they  were given proper medication which helps them to get back to normal life .

Also in OP , I have seen various patients with Psychotic Disorders ,Depression associated with mania,Obsessive compulsive disorder, Anxiety Attacks.

I learnt about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

From 15 th August  to 30 September 

I have started my medicine posting:

OP is a place where we get to see different presentations of various cases like  Parkinsonism,Liver diseases etc 

One Day , when I was in casualty I saw a case where a patient developed a small swelling over right lower limb near ankle  joint initially which he scratched and later swelling gradually increased.Associated with pain.On checking GRBS at presentation blood sugar levels found to be 542 mg/dl.Immediately he was admitted in AMC where his blood glucose levels are monitored hourly and given insulin dose according to his blood sugar levels.Like that his blood sugars levels came down to 138 mg/dl at time of discharge and for his cellulitis,Mgso4 and glycerine dressing was done regularly.


One day a patient came to op with yellowish discolouration of eyes gradually progressive.Abdominal Distension since 20 days, insidious in onset, gradually progressive.Pedal edema since 20 days, pitting type upto knee.No h/o blood in stools, haemetemesis, abdominal pain.No h/o SOB, chest pain, palpitations.He is 

Alcoholic since 40 yrs 150ml /day, 10 cigarettes/day for a year.On examination 

Icterus present ,Abdomen is soft , non tender,distended.Shifting dullness present.He was treated well and ascitic tap was done which showed high SAAG and SAAG Value of 3.56 and Ascitic protein of 1.5 g/dl which tells us it is a Chronic liver Disease.Gastroenterologist review was taken ,upper GI Endoscopy was done which showed high grade oesophageal varices. 

I saw a case where 72 year old male who is having C/o Bilateral lowerlimb weakness since 5 years.He gave me history of able to wear slippers initially, but since 2 yrs he is unable to wear slippers  which made me to examine him, I learned Individual muscle power testing, sensory system examination.He was started on  IV methyl prednisolone Pulse therapy and Physiotherapy(strengthing exercises).


In OP ,one day I saw a patient coming towards me with short steps ,expressionless face ,resting tremors.when I examined the case I found rigidity,Bradykinesa,which made me suspicious of Parkinsonism disease.


Thank you.


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