35 year old female with left sided headache

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 35 year old female patient who is housewife,Resident of Nakrekal came to OPD with Chief complaints of

Fever since 1 week 

Headache on left side since 3 days

History of presenting illness:

 Patient was apparently asymtomatic 10 year back then she developed  unexplained weight gain and fatigue for which she went to local hospital where she found to be Hypothyroidism and she was on thyroxine medication.

Six years back  she developed lower back ache she was found to have renal stones where treated conservatively.

Two years back her Thyroxine dose is increased to 75mcg daily.

 One week back she developed Fever which is intermittent in nature relieved on medication.Not associated with nausea, vomiting,rashes,bodypain.

History of Unliateral left sided headache since 3 days .It was severe headache,Throbbing type of pain,which is radiating to neck.Not associated with Vomiting,Blurring of vision,Lacrimation,Photophobia.There are no aggrevating factors and releived on medication.

History of burning micturation since 5 days.

Daily routine:

She wakes up at 5am and does her daily household work and have breakfast at 9am and then sleeps for some time and then she cooks lunch and watch tv from 2pm to evening then she have tea in the evening and later she prepares dinner and eat at 9pm and sleeps at 9:30pm.

Past History:

Known case of Hypothyroidism since 10 years

Not a known case of Diabetes,TB,epilepsy,CAD,Asthma, Hypertension.

Personal history:


Appetite -Normal


Bowel and bladder regular

No addictions.

Family history:

No relevant family history

General examination:

Patient is consicous,coherent,cooperative.


Icterus - absent

Clubbing - Absent

Cyanosis- Absent

Lymphadenopathy- absent

Edema - absent.

Clinical pictures:

Vitals -





Systemic Examaination:


She is Right handed person 


Counsious ,oreinted to time place person

Speech normal

Behaviour normal

Memory intact 

Intelligence normal 

Sensory system: Normal


Motor System:

Bulk of muscles are normal

Tone of limbs are normal

Power of limbs are normal


                 Right           Left

Biceps     2+                2+

Triceps    2+                2+

Knee        2+                2+

Ankle       2+                2+

meningeal signs:

No neck stiffness

Kernigs and Brudzinski's signs are negative.

Per abdomen:



No scars seen

Umbilicus is central in postion and inverted

No dilated veins seen.

visible peristalsis,no visible pulsations.


No local rise of temperature 

No tenderness

No organomegaly.

Percussion:Tympanic note ,No Shifting dullness,Fluid Thrill.

Ascultation:Bowel sounds heard



Appear normal

Trachea is central.

 No palpable murmurs 

S1; S2heard

Respiratory system:

Trachea  is central

Bilateral Airway present

Resonant on peecussion

Normal breath sounds heard.


Migraine? Fever with headache.


USG report:


Inj-optineuron 1amp in 100ml of NS OD


Tab nitrofurantoin 100mg

Tab pantoprozale

Tab naproxen  250mg

Bp,temp,RR,PR check 4th hrly

Tab thyronorm   25mcg


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