Pain and swelling in Right Leg

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 70 year old male patient farmer by occupation resident of Chityala came to OPD with chief complaints of swelling and pain in the right thigh since 3 days


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back then he developed fever which was of low grade,continuous type, not associated with chills and rigor, relieved on medicationand along with History of Dizziness and weakness of which he went to local hospital and was diagnosis to be having diabetes and hypertension 5years ago, started Glimipiride and Metformin.From 1year onwards he occasionally take Insulin Injection.

On monday he had history of Fever which is of Low grade,continous,Not associated with chills and rigor  relieved after taking Medication and History of vomiting 3 to 4 episodes non bilious,non blood stained,Non foul smelling Food as contents.

On Tuesday morning,He had history of fall while opening the door then he developed Pain and swelling in Right thigh(proximal thigh)

Pain is progressive,non radiating,aggregated on walking,relieved on  rest so they came to our Hospital.

Patient attender told that patient was in altered sensorium  while travelling through hospital.

No History of other joints involved,Head injury,loss of consciousness.

When his blood tests was done to undergo surgery ,They were Found to be abnormal and Grbs is 248mg/dl

Patient complaining of increased thirst and dry ness  of mouth since yesterday.

Dialy Routine:

He wakes up at 6:00AM,do breakfast at 8:00AM,Go to field but acutually dont do any work at field.Lunch at 1:00PM and then sleep upto 4 PM,Dinner at 7:00PM,Sleeps at 9:00 PM.

Past History:

He was a known case of Hypertension and Diabetes since 5 years.

History of trauma 30 years back on right leg.

No history of Tuberculosis,Epilepsy,Asthma.

Personal History:

Sleep adequate

Appetite normal

Diet mixed 

Bowel and bladder regular

No addictions.

Family History:

No signifcant Family History.

Clinical images:


General examination:

Patient is consicous,coherent,cooperative.


Icterus - absent

Clubbing - Absent

Cyanosis- Absent

Lymphadenopathy- absent

Edema - absent.





BP:110/90mm of Hg

Systemic Examination:


Higher mental Functions are normal

Motor system:

Bulk of muscles are normal

Tone of limbs are normal

Power of limbs are normal


                 Right           Left

Biceps     2+                2+

Triceps    2+                2+

Knee        not done      2+

Ankle       not done      2+

meningeal signs:

No neck stiffness

Kernigs and Brudzinski's not done as right leg is under traction



No scars

No visible pulsations

No engorged veins


Tenderness in Right iliac region.No Hepatomegaly and spleenomegaly.


No shifting dullness

No fluid thrill


Bowel Sounds - heard 


Appear normal

Trachea is central.

 No palpable murmurs 

S1; S2heard

Respiratory system:

Trachea  is central

Bilateral Airway present

Resonant on percussion

Normal breath sounds heard

Provisional Diagnosis:

Intertrochanter Fracture of femur



Secondary to Tubular Injury?

Liver failure?


On 29-11-22

On 2-12-22:


Inj Neomol


Tab Telmi H

Inj Monocef

Tab Pantoprazole

IV fluids

Monitor BP 2 hourly


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